Natural Cold Remedies

I got awesome question recently about natural cold remedies:

“What nutrients should you emphasize to naturally kick your cold or flu while pregnant or breastfeeding?”

These recommendations were all food-based so that they were extra safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. They’re also all just great tips to keep in place as natural cold remedies (through the power of whole foods).

Enjoy and stay healthy!

Holistic Nutritionist

Natural Cold Remedies: Vitamin A

While pregnant, you should never supplement or consume more than 10,000 iu’s of pre-formed Vitamin A (animal-based, like livers).

Beta-carotene is a safer nutrient to focus on as your body can convert what Vitamin A it needs, and then use the rest as an antioxidant to protect your body.

People with diabetes or hypothyroidism may benefit from consuming the pre-formed Vitamin A from animal sources, rather than the pre-vitamin A found in plant foods.

AMAZING food sources of Vitamin A: Carrots, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, chlorella and/or spirulina, animal livers (be careful – only buy organic if you’ll eat the liver, and eat tiny amounts – around 1 oz. per day or less).

Natural Cold Remedies: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is amazingly helpful at boosting the immune system to fight, prevent or kick a cold or flu.

Whole food sources of vitamin C: Camu camu berry, red bell peppers, broccoli, papaya, strawberries, brussels sprouts, sprouted: nuts, seeds, alfalfa, sunflower seeds (most safely sprouted in clean conditions in your own home)

Natural Cold Remedies: Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 Fats reduce inflammation, which helps the immune system work at it’s peak level.

Whole food omega-3 sources: walnuts, flax seeds, wild king salmon, wild sockeye salmon, wild pink salmon, wild anchovies (these fish also have very low mercury levels for you beauties!), and/or your supplemental omega-3 oils (I recommend NutriVege for cleanliness).

Note: when I’m coaching pregnant clients, I either recommend spending the money on a QUALITY fish oil, or getting your omega-3’s in plant form. Low quality (cheap, bonus size bottles, etc.) fish oil does more harm to your body than good.

Natural Cold Remedies: Zinc

Zinc is awesome at nourishing the immune system. In fact, if you’re a little low on zinc, you’ll find yourself getting sick way more often.

Whole food sources: Freshly sprouted alfalfa, venison, grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, yoghurt/kefir and green peas.

Natural Cold Remedies: Onions, Garlic & Leeks

These superfood beauties contain anti-inflammatory compounds as well as sulfur-containing compounds that have been shown to be effective against colds & flus.

Natural Cold Remedies: Now that you know what to include food-wise, here’s what’s important to knock out of your diet while you’re fighting a cold or flu:

-Any oil exposed to high heat (this excludes coconut oil, coconut butter, cow butter and ghee)
-Refined grains

What do YOU use while pregnant or breastfeeding to fight off or prevent colds & flus?

**glow nutritional consulting and Nathalie Norris are working to spread information to promote women’s health. By reading this information, and any information to follow on Q&A Mondays, you agree that major changes in diet or lifestyle should be decided upon with the healthcare practitioner that you trust, and who knows your complete health history**

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