
Welcome and thank you for being here!

I’m Nathalie, the Holistic Nutritionist behind Glow Nutritional Consulting.

I love helping women get healthy, because when they do, they have the energy to say “YES!” to the AMAZING things in their hearts.

I used to be desperately exhausted and unmotivated all the time. I called myself lazy and had to drink *so* much coffee just to have the energy to D-R-A-G myself through a simple day.

I’d crash on the couch, I watched a ton of TV, and I felt bad in my body. I was a little overweight, but had tried the cabbage soup diet, using the Wii Fit religiously, going to a gym every day for 3 months, and eventually I started skipping meals and heavily (and dangerously) restricting my food intake in an effort of trying *anything* just to lose weight.

It was frustrating to try SO hard for weight loss, and have nothing change, or to find I’d actually GAINED weight (how could that be?!).

I wanted real answers.

I tried so many things over the years, until I gave up listening to blogs and information that wasn’t working and went to school to become a Holistic Nutritionist so that I could for once and for all help myself feel better.

I noticed quick results. I noticed PASSION coming back to me. I noticed how much I LOVED nutrition sciences and the body!

And client after client that I helped, I noticed that they were seeing results FASTER than anything else they’d tried, with less work.

You see, it doesn’t take the immense workouts and insane diets or even a million coffees to get to a state where you feel good (about yourself, in your body, and during your days).

It just takes energy.

It takes fuelling your body FOR energy (did you know there are over 15 different deficiencies that can cause low energy? And that when you refill them, you often lose weight as a *side-effect*.).

How do you get that energy?

You can start here, today, reading the amazing posts on this blog I’ve put together for you.

You can sign up for my email newsletters where you’ll get a healthy dose of motivation and inspiration to eat well, take care of yourself, and boost your energy levels.

Or you can download my free guide for energy (sign up below for emails and I’ll send you a copy), made available for you because I know how brutal chronic fatigue can be, and I wanted you to have a really awesome resource (I guarantee: you’ve never seen something like this before) that helps you feel really great.

Or you can keep searching. Because I know in my heart that if you want energy desperately enough, if you’re hurting right now and feeling low and exhausted all of the time, you will search out the right answers for you.

The amazing and late Louise Hay says that fatigue is a symptom of being bored in life, and lacking love for what you’re doing.

Which gives you an incredible opportunity right now.

Because once you heal your fatigue, you find passion and enthusiasm for everything in your life. You start saying “YES!” to amazing adventures that light you up. And your life becomes full of energy that radiates to everyone you know.

Gaining energy is the ride of a lifetime, and I can’t wait for you to begin.

Here’s to finding your most perfect route to vibrant well-being,

Holistic Nutritionist
Glow Nutritional Consulting


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